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  • A Guide for Maintaining Your Wardrobe as You Get Older

    A lot of people have the same clothes they’ve worn for years, which isn’t an issue when they still fit and are still in a style they enjoy. Still, many things can happen regarding your wardrobe as you get older – particularly in your forties and beyond, when body shapes may be changing, styles may be progressing, or the amount of financial investment you’re willing to put into your clothes is changing, too.

    Whatever changes may be taking place, you might want to adapt your wardrobe accordingly, so check out the following tips for some inspiration if this sounds like something you may wish to do sometime soon.

    Have a Good Clear Out

    A declutter is essential for any wardrobe at any stage in your life – but if you’re reaching an age where you feel as though you’ve moving into a new chapter or going on a new style journey, this is the perfect opportunity for a declutter. Take out every single item you own and assess it, think about the last time you wore it, and begin to make piles of clothes you would like to keep or donate/sell.

    Measure Yourself Properly and Consider Your Shape

    Sometimes, body shape or weight changes might not be significant, but they could be the difference between old clothes suddenly not fitting as comfortably as they used to. Body shapes can change at any time for any reason, and you may have reached a new weight you’re happy with, which now means clothes you’ve had for years need to be reconsidered.

    In that case, measure yourself properly – waist, thighs, shoulder width, chest and stomach – to make sure all items are covered. You may also want to try on all your clothing – which is a great idea if you’re decluttering anyway – so you can better understand the styles, shapes and sizes that no longer fit.

    Shop For a New Wardrobe

    If your sizing has changed, then it may be time for a new wardrobe so you can find new items which fit comfortably to replace the previous sizes you no longer wear. In particular, looking for plus size designer clothing in a wide range of designs and styles is an exciting chance to update your wardrobe with clothing you can feel and look great in.

    In any case, revamping your wardrobe is always a superb opportunity if you’ve reached a new phase in your life, such as relocating, starting a new job or any new venture that may have you feeling like you’d like to start afresh when it comes to your personal style.

    Organise Your Fashion Priorities

    While your younger years can involve a lot of experimentation with style and finding your way in life, you’ll likely be more set in who you are and what you like when you get older. This could mean that there may be certain clothing items that you no longer need or want or particular articles you’d like to put more focus on.

    For instance, if you have a lot of high heels when you no longer enjoy dressing up to go out and much prefer flatter, comfier shoes, then maybe you need to switch out your footwear and prioritise your collection. Alternatively, perhaps you need warmer winter coats more than smaller jackets you used to wear. Whatever the case may be, focus on what you like and need now rather than what you used to wear, and organise your clothes and shoes accordingly.

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